
' Three stages in Sufism '...

"There are three stages of the disciple in Sufism. In the first stage the Master draws the disciple to himself. This is the stone stage. The disciple is enwrapped in deep ignorance and has no sense for spiritual values. He cannot know the Master at this stone stage, and the initiative is entirely with the Master.

"The second stage is called worm stage. Just as the worn is engaged in all kinds of movements and actions, so the mind of the disciple is active in all kinds of doubts and questions. At this stage the disciple asks many questions to the Master. There is constant movement of thought at this worm stage.

"The third stage is called the dog stage. At this stage the mind has no questions to ask. It is in a faith-state. Just as the dog follows the master without challenge or doubt, the disciple has unswerving faith in the Master, and follows his instructions unfailingly. At this stage asking comes to an end. When spiritual progress has not yet begun as well as when it is at its height, there is no asking to the Master."

-Meher Baba
"Questions Baba Answers"
by Dr. C. D. Deshkmuth
Meher Baba Journal, Vol, 1, No. 8, June, 1939, Ahmednagar, India, p. 62

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