
' It's just a waking dream '...

“What could it mean to just sit and do nothing…to not be concerned about how we are sitting, the state of our mind, the state of our feelings – to not be concerned with trying to change anything at all?...

And when you leave everything alone, when you stop trying to make it any better – you may begin to notice that the only thing that thinks you need to do anything other than leave it alone is your mind…there is nothing in the space in the room, nothing is the air you breath, nothing in the trees or the stars overhead that says you need to be doing anything more than just sit down right now.

Outside of your mind, everything is content – it is just as it is – it knows of no other way to be…….

You may find that at some moments the narrative in your mind may think you need do something other than just sit here, your mind may have its waking dream about what it means to sit here, whether you are good at it or not…whether it’s of any use or not….

but essentially – it’s all just a waking dream……..

The Truth of your Being has no real relationship with the thoughts that arise, the same is true of a feeling, an emotion…….

Notice how everything presents itself in a field of stillness – in a field of awareness……notice that field of stillness or awareness is not in opposition to anything that arises; a thought, feeling, a noise……

At certain moments you might notice how artful and intelligent the mind is at getting your attention…… All thought craves to be believed! So by accepting everything – nothing can strain you.”


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