
' The Heart of Reality '...

Look in this moment, and you’ll see: The things we value most in life—happiness, love, creativity, peace, joy, union—even though I can reference these by using a thought, none of them are actually the same as the thought.

I’m sure you can see and feel that love is something that transcends the word “love.” Just to say “love” is to point to an idea. But what’s the feeling?

What does it feel like to have your heart open? What does it feel like to let your boundaries down? What does it feel like to become intimate with this very moment?

Can that be put into an idea? When you really feel love, isn’t it the case that you don’t actually know how to express it in words or with thought?

When you feel this love, you’ve entered the heart of reality—and this is the space from which you can live when you let go of the belief that all our thoughts, all our ideas, are true.

~ Adyashanti ~

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