
' Being '...

What you truly are under all the thoughts of what you are is being. “Being” is a word similar to awareness in that it points to the felt sense of “I AMness” prior to the “I” thought. If you cannot sense that being now, there is a story of a separate self obscuring it. Some pointers direct you to question the story until it is seen through. You can also just stay with the sense of being under the story. Relax as the natural and effortless being that you are. This felt sense of being is always and already here, no matter what is happening.

Thought may tell the story, “I’m driving to work right now.” Being, however, is not driving to work. It is simply being. Thought may tell the story, “I wish my spouse would do what I ask him to do.” Being is not in that story. It is just being. Thought may tell the story, “I’m seeking enlightenment.” Being is not seeking enlightenment. Being just is.

In realizing being, you know exactly what you are. Stories may continue to arise. They may quiet down. Regardless of whatever stories may or may not be arising, there is always being. There is always this “I AMness” before, during, and after the stories “I am this” or “I need that” arise. Being is timeless. This timeless being manifests as time and thought, but is ultimately free of its manifestations.

-Kiloby, Scott. Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment

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