
' The mirror and its reflections '...

Non-dual awareness is like one mirror. The mirror has no concept. It has no view. The mirror knows no separate people or things. The reflections of the mirror give the appearance of separate people. Yet those separate people only exist as separate, and only know themselves to be separate, in relationship to others.

Dualism is a play of mental opposites. There is no “me” without a “you.” No right without wrong. No black without white. No success without failure. No good without bad. No positive without negative. No one can be “spiritual” unless there are others who are “not spiritual.” A belief cannot be true unless other beliefs are untrue.

There is only the One appearing as many. Only thought creates the notion that there are separate things, separate people, and separate ideas.

Spiritual realization is a seeing beyond the dream of separateness/dualism. This realization is calling awareness out of its mental attachment to our separate philosophical, religious, cultural, national, political and personal divisions. Suffering and searching exist when thought buys completely into the dream of its own reflection. The “person” believes she is totally separate and then longs for wholeness, not realizing that she is that wholeness. In seeing the separate person as a reflection, the possibility of recognizing Oneness (the mirror) arises. This is not about denying the reflection (i.e., the separate person). It is about seeing that it is ultimately a dream of thought.

-Kiloby, Scott. Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenmen

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