
' The doer is a story of lack '...

The dream self is a doer that is doing things now to achieve other things later. You believe that you must meditate to evoke relaxation or reach enlightenment. You believe you must pray each morning so that God will give you or your loved ones a longer life, better relationships, more money, or a better living situation. You go to spiritual teachers who will tell you how to become more present, surrendered, open, aware, loving, or awakened.

All of this doing assumes that you have control of your life. The idea of personal choice/will creates the story of self in time. The story goes, “I lack something now but if I do this particular thing, I will find wholeness later.” The story perpetuates the sense of lack. It traps you into seeking future.

Instead of blindly doing things in order to bring about some later awakening, notice what is already being done. Notice all the ways the doer is busy looking for a later moment. This is not a suggestion to stop doing things. It is an invitation to notice that all doing feeds into the story of self, which is a story that you lack something now but that the future will bring fulfillment.

Enlightenment is simply the realization that there is already enlightenment now under the story of the doer doing things to reach enlightenment.

-Kiloby, Scott. Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment

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