
' Master Hsu Yun '...

Master Hsu Yun (1840-1959)

My Zen teacher's (Yen Wai Shih) teacher in China, Master Hsu Yun wrote:

"Mind is self-nature, is awareness and is Buddha, having neither form nor location, and being undiscoverable. It is clean and pure by nature, penetrates everywhere in the Dharmadhatu, does not enter or leave, neither comes nor goes, and is fundamentally the self-evident pure Dharmakaya Buddha."

"Ch’an (Zen) Buddhists often came to inquire (about all this). As to the Dharma, fundamentally there is no such thing, because as soon as it is expressed in words, the meaning will not be true. Just see clearly that mind is Buddha and there will be no more ado. This is self-evident and all talks of practice and realization are the demon’s words. Bodhidharma, who came to the East to “directly point at man’s mind for the perception of self-nature leading to the attainment of Buddha hood”, clearly indicated that all living beings on earth were Buddhas.

The outright cognizance of this pure and clean self-nature together with complete harmony with it, without contamination from attachment (to anything) and without the least mental differentiation, while walking, standing, sitting and lying by day or night is nothing but the self-evident Buddha (hood). It does not require any application of mind or use of effort. Moreover, there is no place for either action or deed, and no use for words, speech and thought. For this reason, it is said that the attainment of Buddhahood is the most free and easy thing which relies only on oneself and does not depend on others."

-Jackson Peterson

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