
' Your real identity '...

If you are thinking and someone says, “Look at that tree,” thought has to stop so that awareness can take the sight in directly. Thought does not see. Only awareness sees. In that moment of suspending thought long enough to see what is here in the present moment, you are getting a glimpse of your true nature as awareness. You are that which sees, not the object that is seen.

If you are thinking and someone says, “Listen to that sound,” thought has to stop so that awareness can take the sound in directly. Thought does not hear. Only awareness hears. In that moment of suspending thought long enough to hear what is arising in the present moment, you are getting a glimpse of your true nature as awareness. You are that which hears, not the sound that is heard.

Can you see how your true nature gets apparently obscured? You are living life through the filter of the time-bound, thought-based separate self, instead of recognizing that your real identity is the timeless awareness in which everything—every thought, sound, object, state, experience, and situation—appears and disappears.

Paradoxically, as awareness is realized to be your real identity, you see that the objects that appear in awareness are not separate from awareness. Without awareness, none of the objects would appear.

-Kiloby, Scott. Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment

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