
' Surrender '...

Surrender is one of the hallmarks of non-dual realization (i.e., enlightenment). At first glance, when you hear about the spiritual principle of “surrender,” it may sound as if you need to do or become something or someone in order to be more surrendered. No. Surrender is an attribute of your natural state of presence.

The separate self contraction cannot become surrendered because the contraction is resistance to what is. If there is nothing you can do to gain surrender or be more surrendered, why even discuss surrender? Surrender is what is already here in this moment under all your efforts to obtain something from others, from life, and from the spiritual search. It is what is here in the absence of resistance to what is.

In order for surrender to be realized as an attribute of presence, notice the mental and emotional seeking and resistance that appears to obscure presence. Instead of doing something, notice what is already being done. Notice the ways in which thought and emotion are resisting what is and seeking something from others, from life, and from the spiritual search. In allowing these movements to meet the light of awareness, there is no more attachment to the movements. What is left is the natural rest of surrender. In that natural resting, it is realized that presence was never really obscured. There was merely a misperception happening. You falsely believed that you were the separate self contraction.

-Kiloby, Scott. Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenmen

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