
' To be like a leaf '...

Enlightenment is just a fancy word for being totally surrendered. It’s like being a leaf. The wind blows you every which way and you are just glad to go in whatever direction it takes you. And you know that wherever you are, that is exactly where you are supposed to be because that is where you are.
You aren’t trying to figure out how to be a better or more spiritual leaf.

But if those thoughts arise, that is fine too. You are not arguing with other leaves or trying to be heard or seen above all other leaves. But if that arguing or trying happens, that is fine too. You are not fighting the wind. And yet if fighting happens, that is fine too. You are just content moving in whatever way the wind (life) moves you. Even when you are moving, you are naturally at rest because you are not separate from the wind. There is no you and the wind. There is only One Life, appearing as two. You are the One pretending to be a separate leaf, dancing with your friend “wind.”

You are happy being exactly where you are, whether anyone is paying attention to you or not, and whether anyone thinks you are an enlightened leaf or just a plain old leaf because you know that there is no real boundary between those two.

-Scott Kiloby, Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment

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