
Worshiping Satan...

To Worship means to keep a Thought within the mind..

Keeping a Thought constant within the mind is our means of creation..

This is why Mantras' are used..

We as humans have been taught as children to believe that the false personality of thoughts and memories called ego is actually our Real Self...

Keeping this false personality within our mind is Worship of Satan (ego)...

We may not be aware that this ego is so evil but this can be Realized when we have abandoned the ego and can finally see the duality and pain that ego creates...

The sacrifices that we give to this false god of illusion called satan are the thoughts and actions of selfishness and non-Love that we daily take part in...

You cannot serve two masters..

Choose thoughts of selflessness and You will be Worshiping God(Divine Consciousness)(Reality)...

Choose thoughts of ego and you will be worshiping satan (Duality)(selfishness)..

As Gautama once said:" You are that which You think about all day"..

The purpose of the Spiritual Path is to learn that You are the Master of the Mind and You Create Reality..

The problem is that You as Consciousness believes that You are the body,mind,and ego..

As with all dreams, all You have to do is Wake Up...

- thomas

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