
Sharing Truth is not a competition...

If we are always trying to be "clever" and show off our knowledge, and one-up the insights or wisdom that are coming through another, we are not really interested in the truth. We are interested in getting attention.

We make the mistake of thinking that wisdom belongs to someone. But wisdom does not belong to anyone because it belongs to everyone!

We all already have all the wisdom we will ever need. So it is not really a question of us "giving someone else the truth" anyway. When we hear someone else speak wisdom, we recognize it precisely because it is already within us. Otherwise, we would never even be able to hear it.

It does not really matter who speaks the truth. We can be very glad when we hear someone else speak with wisdom. We can rejoice in that. It is beautiful. There is no need to be jealous at all and try to compete with the truth speaker. Sharing truth is not a competition.

A lover of the truth will love the truth and rejoice when it is shared, no matter what mouth-piece it comes through.

-Francis Bennett

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