
Love is what is left...

Thought takes dualistic positions. It says: “This is about Oneness.” “This is not about Oneness.” “There is a God.” “There isn’t a God.” “Spiritual realization is about awareness.” “Spiritual realization is not about awareness.” “There is a self.” “There is no self.” “There is choice.” “There is no choice.” “This is about Jesus.” “This is not about Jesus.” “My life is good.” “My life is bad.” “This teacher has it.” “This teacher doesn’t.” These are all dualistic stories.

Thought cannot see non-duality. The function of thought is to take dualistic positions. Thought can even take a position on thought. “Thought is bad” is just another dualistic position.

Oneness is not a position. It is not anything to argue about. It is nothing at all. It cannot be grasped. You can’t get it because you are it. It is a seeing that life is impermanent. There is nothing to hold onto. No experience. No concept. No belief. No philosophy. No expression. Nothing, nothing, nothing.

To the dualistic mind, that may sound like nihilism.But again, the dualistic mind will never see ‘This.’ When non-duality is realized to be this seeing of what the dualistic mind is constantly doing, an opening can happen. The attachment to all positions dies. Love is what is left. This love takes no position on non-duality. It is not for or against it. It sees no other so it allows everything. Love just is.

~ From: Reflections of the One Life, by Scott Kiloby

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