
Thoughts on a friday night...

Humans gather together seeking unconditional love..

I stand within these souls and the vibrations of laughter pierce the night..

Why do humans desire laughter?..

Because, only friends will laugh..

And what are friends?..

Friends are the seekers of love..

Are you beginning to understand?..

There is only "One",

but the illusions of separation called 'ego or self' seek to reunite into 'One'..

We are always seeking to return Home..

We spend our conscious energy within an energy absorbing Dream..

We remain tired from the struggle of survival..

What a shock to learn that survival is also a scam..

Survival of the illusion of separation is only a desire of separation from Reality..

We cannot die unless We are willing to die..

As the 'Nazarene' said;

" You must die, to be Born"..

Die to false self and return Home...

- thomas

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