
The absence of thought...

Dzogchen master, Tenzin Wangyal:

"Any thought can manifest in the mind. But when the mind stops thinking and instead turns inward and nakedly observes itself, observing the observer, mind liberates into its own nature like clouds dissolving into the sky or waves dissolving into the ocean.

The nature of mind is rigpa, pure nondual awareness. It is the absence of thought.

It is neither virtuous nor nonvirtuous, substantial nor insubstantial. It has unlimited potential to manifest. Its essence is one with the essence of all that exists. Rigpa is sometimes likened to a mirror: just as reflections come and go without leaving the slightest trace on the mirror’s surface, so do all experiences, memories, emotions, and mental images arise and dissolve in our mind without leaving a trace in the nature of mind."

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