
Karma is egoic consciousness...

You have been told of karma and know that it is the science of cause and effect..

This is true for the illusion of egoic consciousness but does not exist within Reality..

Karma deals with the illusion of duality and the belief in egoic duality..

There is no duality within Reality, and therefore karma is non-existent..

Do you believe that God is a victim of karma?..

Of course not!..

Once, you understand and Realize (Enlightenment) that You are Divine Consciousness,

karma is ended..

Until, You are of this Realization, you will be a prisoner of the higher dimensions,

or what the Saints call the seven levels of heaven..

You will strive within each dimension to reach the higher dimension by becoming less egoic or

what we call, more loving..

Ego is the opposite of Love and must be dissolved slowly (long path) or quickly (short path) to Realize that You have always been the energy of Love, Light, and Consciousness..

All of this time and experience within the pain of separation because no one has told you that,

there is only God and nothing else..

All else is a dream from God and an illusion..

These dimensions are called the 'long path' and the 'short path' is called Enlightenment..

It is your choice..

namaste, thomas

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