
" I am your Dream "...

Not only the body that I am using, is part of your Dream but all manifestation is also part of My Dream..

We walk around in hypnosis believing that we are separate manifestations of life and personality..

We believe that these illusions are real because we daily input this data of physical senses back into Consciousness..

If We control the thoughts of the mind into the Awakeness of Consciousness, We can stay above the Dream and remain as the Observer and not the observed illusion..

This is staying within the Mind of God..

As you already know, God is the name that we have given to the Love, Light, and Consciousness of Reality..

But, the Deepest Truth that is to be revealed to You as Consciousness, is that 'You' are also the 'Dream' of That which has no division called personality or ego..

This Pure Awareness has no personality called 'I' because it is Pure Love and contains no desires for Itself..

This is why separation is dreamed of, as an entertainment and learning of what 'Nothingness', Is..

namaste, thomas

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