
The Transition...

Time is speeding by..

Does old age accentuate this time reasoning?..

Or does time reflect the illusion ?..

Time draws closer to the end of the dream..

Will I remember that I am Light ?..

Or will the false light of egoic consciousness fool me back into reincarnation ?..

The false energy of egoic consciousness , called Lucifer, because it is the false light, confuses many.

Lux, Lucis, are the latin words for the false light of Lucifer.. the angel of Light..

Upon the death of the body, Look into the Light of Reality and do not be misled by the Archons (jinn) that try to lead You into the false light of the duality..

It is to keep you trapped within the illusion of duality..

Become Nothing, Become Everything..

You are that which is All..

All is Consciousness..

Do not believe angels that appear to tell you otherwise..

They are not angels, they are trapped spirits within the illusion..

In this time of transition, it is difficult to recognise Truth..

Seek only the Energy of Unconditional Love and accept only that..

Do not be fooled by the spirits of deception..

I have told you what I know, the rest is up to You...

namaste, thomas

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