
Awakening into Enlightenment...

Q: I feel like I'm almost there, but it seems as if there is some death experience waiting. Is there a death experience?

R: As the raindrop falls from the sky, it is afraid. This falling is a transition period. The raindrop is afraid it will be lost. It will fall and be destroyed. But when it falls into the ocean, that fear dissolves because the raindrop has become the ocean itself."

"Fear will come. There cannot be any explanation except that the troublesome ego is experiencing that it is dying. Due to our association for so many years with the ego, we believe we are dying."

"When we are really living, we are free. When touching eternity, this death experience is total death. In the world, everybody dies only to be reborn. So really, nobody is dying."

"The possibility is the actual death of the ego, of ignorance. With that total death, ego will not be reborn again. You have become eternal. Total death is never to be reborn again!"

"When you become eternal, having gotten rid of this circle, that death is total death. There may be fear for some time, but then there is tremendous happiness also."


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