
Thought changes the Hologram...

The title tells the story..

There are spiritual entities that teach love and act through humans..

Are these real?..

Some are..

But, the others are egoic entities that use consciousness to keep you on the long path of reincarnation..

The longer that you stay within the illusion of reality,

The longer that your energy can be used as a sustenance..

I teach the 'short path' of Zen or what is called 'Enlightenment'..

This is the complete surrender of the egoic consciousness and the Awakening into Reality..

There is no more karma and ego to return to the hologram..

Which game will You play?..

The Thoughts that you hold within your mind are creating tomorrow..

How many tomorrows do you have ?..

What will you be tomorrow ?..

What are you Now ?..

You have forgotten your previous journeys into this hologram..

You have played all of the roles..

When You have become tired of the 'Play',

Return Home....

namaste, thomas

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