

A lot is being written about the ascension into the forth and fifth dimension..

What is being ascended?..

It is not the "You", that is Consciousness..

The "You" that is Consciousness does not need ascending..

Then, what is ascending?..

That's right, It is the false self that pretends to be "You"..

A little less selfish but still trapped within egoic consciousness..

Should we praise this event as the "end all and be all"..

Of course not, It is only a rung on the ladder of illusion..

You will be promised great things and experiences..

Is this just to keep you trapped within the circle of reincarnation?..

Why would you step one rung, when "You" do not need a ladder at all?..

Examine the "End Goal" and find that it comes back to "You"..

"You" are much more valued than just another rung or two...

namaste, thomas

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