
The fear of death...

The fear of death is often our greatest fear..

Society grabs on this fear and becomes wealthy selling us medicines, insurances,gym equiptment, and even surgery to alieve this pain of fear..

If we believe that the afterlife is so much better than this physical life,
Why do we have such painful fear of death?..

It is not You that is undergoing this pain..

It is the ego.

It is the imaginary self that fears death..

The ego likes the material world because the ego survives on negative energy..

Without the negative energy, the ego would shrink and eventually die..

This is why positive energy, which is called Love, dissolves the ego..

Why does Love feel so good?.

Because, it is our Real Nature and existence.

We have been living a lie..

We have been taught and have believed that we are the lie..

This was done to feed the negative entities of ego that survive only on negative energies..

This is why there have always been wars and hatred..

We have been the generators of negative food for these entities..

These entities have had many names throughout history..

Spiritual Teachers have warned us of these entities and have often been killed for informing us..

The greatest weapon against these beings of ego and negativity is Unconditional Love..

This creates a 'White Light' surrounding your body, which forces these beings away from you..

They melt in the Light..

This White Light is God..

Surround your body with the White Light of Unconditional Love and discover why the 'Halo' was painted around the heads of Saints..

It is the 'Aura' of Reality....

namaste, thomas

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