
The end of Fear...

The greatest fear that I have felt within this life is when I was stationed in Saigon and Tan Son Nhut air base during the ' Tet Offensive'..

The first two weeks, I lived in constant fear of death because every night the Viet Cong would send rockets onto the base and blow up the buildings and personnel, all around me..

I realised that I cound not stand to feel the mental pain of fear any longer..
I then decided that I would rather be dead than to continue this painful state of fear..

I then died to my self..
I mentally died to any desire for future life..

I instantly felt Peace..

I would walk through Saigon without any weapon and the people would stare at me in wonder..
Still no fear was felt and I existed in joy and peace..

We were attacked by the V.C. and a couple of bullets flew by my right ear..
But his 'sight' must have been misalligned or perhaps Divine Consciousness saved me for the future..

The point that I am trying to make is that this same experience of the fear of death is also found upon the entrance into Enlightenment..
Once I was finally able to overcome the fear of the death of the ego and existence,
I was allowed to wake up in Reality and Divine Consciousness..

This is the Zen that is spoken of..
Light and Love is both your destiny and is already Your Reality..

All you have to do is to return the illusion of separate ego back to the Creative Mind..
The Mind that created this hologram..

This Mind that is You......

namaste, thomas

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