

In my experience, I have awakened into the state of Divine Consciousness as the Being of Light and Love..I found only Love.. there was no desire except for the desire to stay within this Light and Love forever.. could this be called a dimension?, I don't know.. I found it to be the Seat of Creation.. but, it was still not complete Freedom.. Complete Freedom is even the surrender of this Heaven and the entrance into Nothingness.. The Nothingness that dreamed this Light and Love Creator called Divine Consciousness.. To become Aware that You are Divine Consciousness, the surrender of ego is necessary.. you must die to be born.. This birth into the first Reality still contains a small part of ego called Identity.. the Identity called God.. When You have the courage to surrender even this Power, Light, and Love and give up all Personal desire for such.. then You achieve complete Freedom as the Nothingness called Pure Intelligence.. This Pure Intelligence 'Dreamed into existence' the Creator God called Divine Consciousness and is the Only Pure Reality.. All else are the Dreams called Illusion............ namaste, thomas

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