

You are not scared.. the ego that you think that you are is scared.. It is
scared because it is losing grip upon your mentality.. Love is the dissolving of
the ego.. the ego gives you the pain of fear to prevent You from abandoning the
ego.. the ego wants you to use drugs to destroy your life and relationships..
The ego is the destroyer, Love is the Creator.. You have free will to choose
which path to take.. your future is determined by the creative thoughts that you
hold dear.. choose thoughts of Love and forget thoughts of self-pity.. self-pity
is the ego screaming for attention and rejection of God.. Be the Observer of the
thoughts of the mind and throw away all thoughts of ego.. remember, thoughts of
self(ego) only bring pain.. this pain is a warning device from God to warn you
of your straying from the Path of Love called selflessness.. Ask and you shall
receive.. Ask the Consciousness of Jesus to enter your mind and walk with Him
through your troubled times...... namaste, thomas

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