
Was Jesus, the only son of God?...

Answer from Jesus:

Everything in the world of form is created from God’s substance. Without him was not anything made that was made. Therefore, every living soul is a son or daughter of God.

However, there are many devout Christians who feel very strongly that I was someone special, and there is some validity to this belief. I am not thereby saying that I completely agree with this belief, I am merely saying that it is understandable why so many Christians hold on to this belief. Let me explain.

What does it truly mean to be a son or daughter of God? God has given you free will, and God has given you the ability to create. Originally, your soul was created in the image and likeness of God, meaning it had a unique individuality. However, your spiritual parents did not create your individuality as something that was set in stone. You have the free will and the creative potential to build your individuality upon the foundation laid by your spiritual parents. This is indeed what you were meant to do.

Therefore, life can be seen as a process through which your soul is constantly building its sense of identity. In an overall sense, you are meant to keep building your sense of identity until you reach a point where you realize that you are an individualization of God and that you have the full creative powers of God himself/herself. That is why I said: “Ye are Gods.”

However, when a soul falls into a lower state of consciousness and forgets its spiritual origin, the soul begins to build a false sense of identity, a pseudo identity. From God’s viewpoint, that false identity, as a mortal human being, is not real. Yet, as long as your soul accepts that sense of identity, the pseudo identity becomes the only reality that your soul knows. Therefore, that sense of identity becomes the soul’s reality. Because the soul knows nothing else, the soul does not realize that the pseudo identity is unreal and temporary. To the soul, this is the only sense of identity there is.

From God’s viewpoint, a lost soul is still one of his sons or daughters. Yet, if you go inside the box of the soul, inside the soul’s sense of identity, that soul does not see itself as a son or daughter of God. Therefore, in the here and now, the soul is not acting as a son or daughter of God. If a soul does not accept its divine origin, it cannot express its divine potential. If a soul does not accept its potential to be the Christ, then the soul cannot be the Christ in action.

When I appeared on earth 2,000 years ago, only a few people had come to a full realization of their Christhood. Therefore, one might say that I appeared at a time when there was no other son or daughter of God on earth. I had realized the fullness of my sonship, and therefore I was and I acted as a son of God. In other words, when you look at this situation from a specific viewpoint, it is possible to say that Jesus Christ was indeed the only son of God who appeared in that particular place at that particular time. Therefore, I can understand that some Christians have strong feelings for this idea (I am not saying that I share those feelings).

Unfortunately, most people never understood that the statement that I was the only son of God was correct only from a certain viewpoint. The carnal mind has a tendency to create idols. Therefore, people were quick to turn me into an idol and to start believing that the statement that I was the only son of God was universally true.

Let me make it very clear that every living soul is, in reality, a son or daughter of God. If the soul does not identify itself as a son or daughter of God, then that soul cannot express the fullness of its divine potential. Therefore, from an earthly viewpoint, the soul is not a son or daughter of God. The soul has the potential to act as a son or daughter of God, but that potential is not realized. Yet, I want to make it very clear that I am not the only person to appear on earth with a full recognition of his or her divine identity and origin. I am not the only person to appear in the fullness of Christhood.

There have been others before me and there will, I sincerely hope, be others after me. In fact, I hope that some of the readers of these teachings will be counted among them.

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