
Might and Right...

"Might is right in the living world. The strong are oppressing the weak and
depriving them of their legitimate rights. It is a world of the survival of the
fittest, rather the strongest. This law is perhaps good for the jungle. But man
has outgrown being a mere animal.He is a creator now. He has discovered how to
make fire. He has discovered metals and learned how to mould them into
instruments. He has invented many articles. These discoveries have made him very
powerful. He can make wonderful things and, equally, he can destroy these
wonderful things His destructive aspect poses a great threat, not only to his
own existence, but to all of life on the good earth. Therefore, the law of the
survival of the strongest cannot hold true any longer. With wonder weapons in
hand, now weaklings can wipe out the fittest, the strongest and the finest.
However, man the creator has a very clear and strong thinking faculty.He can be
guided by his good mind to be always
constructive. His good mind must, therefore, be trained and strengthened to be
his only guide. He must do things right. He must be taught that "Might is not
right" but that "Right is might." The living world will survive only if man is
guided by his good mind. There must be a radical change, a turning point. Wisdom
should take over and the lead force and power. Only the wise and benevolent
should be the lords and leaders of the world." ~ Zarathrustra ~ .

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