
The Voice...

When I have entered the Light of Divine Consciousness, I found mySelf as Light and Love for as far as Eternity stretched.. I had no eyes and yet I could see forever.. Unconditional Love was flowing around Me and through Me.. Information in the form of Divine Knowledge was flowing through Me and the rest of this Unending Light and Love.. I was identity within Reality.. Was I the entire Light and Love that only existed?.. I cound feel no other identities within the Light.. But, I decided to ask a question to the Light, to find if there was another Consciousness within this Light.. A Voice would answer My questions.. the Voice sounded male and spoke with a friendly tone.. How could I hear a Voice with no ears?.. Was I actually speaking to Myself as Consciousness?.. Thoughts of the self and Overself entered My Consciousness.. There is only One Self.. There is Only One Source.. Identity was created within Divine Consciousness as a method of Experiencing Duality as a way to Know Non-Duality and Love.. "Know Thyself" was the answer...........namaste, thomas

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