
Love your neighbor as Your Self...

Jesus said to Love others as You Love Your Self... what self was Jesus speaking
of?.. There is only One Self and that is what we call God.. There is Nothing
that is not God.. What does Love mean?, Love is the state of non-ego.. you
cannot feel Love if your ego is in control of your mind..Therefore, the ego
(lower self) must be destroyed to enter into the state of God Consciousness..
The mental state of non-ego is our natural state of Love and God Consciousness
but we have forgotten this Truth and became that which we use as vehicles within
this world.. Some people are confused with the term ego, so let me try to clear
up this confusion.. When the ego is destroyed within the life experience, You
continue to live and work and enjoy life but with a greater Consciousness of
Reality.. You do not cease to exist as a human.. This state of
non-ego,non-existence as a human only happens during meditation, when you have
emptied the mind of useless thoughts and ego belief and entered The Real Reality
and exited the illusions of human life............namaste, thomas

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