
Final Reality...

As You have found within life, the highest form of Love is when there is no
ego present.. non-ego is the very meaning of Love.. this is why, Unconditional
Love is the basic teaching of all philosophies and religions.. Since, non-ego or
non-self is the very meaning of Love then the highest point of Love is complete
non-ego.. this point is called God.. no ego is allowed within the essence of God
, which is Pure Awareness ...The spirit worlds and states of Divine Consciousness are Real but they are not
total Freedom.. In these states of Consciousness, You still have an identity..
The Greatest Sacrifice and Love that You can give to God is to give everything
that you possess.. and that is Your self..As Jesus said, the poor shall see
Heaven.. the poor that He was speaking of are those that do not even own an
identity..........namaste, thomas

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