
Is Satan Real?...

Just as the Unawakened see God as outside of themselves, so also, they see Satan
as outside of themselves.. The Truth is that, There is only Consciousness, and
Nothing that is outside of ourselves.. Just as Jesus was tempted by satan while
He was in contemplation.. we are also tempted by satan each second.. this satan
that we are speaking of is actually the Ego.. It tempts us to fall into the
non-love of selfishness and separateness from each other and God.. God is Divine
Consciousness and Divine Consciousness is All that does Exist.. All else is an
illusion of solidity that we call the material world.. Just as a dream is solid
and real until you wake up.... So, you see, even satan is not Real, he is just
the illusion of the ego seeking selfishness and duality from Reality.. Reality
is God.. Reality is Unselfish Love.. Reality of both God and Unselfish Love is
called Divine Consciousness.. We are Divine Consciousness in the process of
learning that, by first eliminating the lie that is called
ego...........namaste, thomas

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