
Rupert Spira from The Transparency of Things ...

This is also the moment at which the traditional spiritual path of
renunciation becomes the tantric path of embrace and inclusion. It is
the moment at which the full spectrum of experience is welcomed,
explored and celebrated for what it truly is.

It is the transition from,“I am nothing” to “I am everything,” from
the path of discrimination to the path of Love.

It is the moment when the emptiness of Consciousness recognises
itself as the fullness of experience.

It is the moment at which Consciousness recognises that it projects
the world within itself, rather than from or out of itself.

We no longer feel that we are an entity located here and now, in
the sense of being inside the body at a particular moment of time.

Rather we come to understand the ‘now’ as timeless Presence, not a
moment in time, and the ‘here’ as placeless Presence, not a location
in space.

The mind, the body and the world are understood to be expressions
of Consciousness rather than distractions from it.

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