
The Secret of the Path...

The Secret of the Path lies in the greatest of all simplicity. It is not
shrouded but very clear. It is not one that is discerned by the intellect of
humanity but by the Great Heart within. It is not known by complexity but by
the greatest distillation of simple, pure discernment. The Path is not
something that can be understood solely by the mind, but is something that is
lived by the soul, one step at a time – one healing, one struggle overcome, one
humility that transcends pride, one suffering that leads to release, one anger
that is given up to love, one Love that transcends all. The Path is where the
Lion lies down with the Lamb – where the ego surrenders to the Great I Am –
where the need to be greater surrenders to the All.

The Path is the understanding that suffering is the greatest healer – it is the
releaser from the prison of ego that chains us to the corporal. When we suffer
injustice, in that mirror we should see our own capacity for it and seek release
from this capacity. When we suffer abuse at the hands of others, we should see
ourselves in the mirror of this abuse and understand our own capacity for it and
seek release from this capacity. When we are hurt and downtrodden, we should
rejoice in the blessings of the lessons of this suffering and know that our
souls can rise above it only through a real understanding of our own capacity
to do the same. In the mirror of suffering, we see ourselves truly and this
reflection impels us to greater heights of Love that break the shackles of our
humanity to rise us to the Evolutionary Potential of our spiritual Union with
the Great Love that is our Creator.

The Secret of the Path lies most simply in a real tolerance that arises through
looking long into the reflection of ourselves in the mirror of the souls around
us and seeing that where we are weak so also are our fellows weak, where pride
leads us astray so also pride leads our fellows into harms way, where anger
destroys our peace, so also it destroys the peace of our fellows – and where
healing comes it comes only through Love. Love is the secret of the Path – love
of self that leads to Love of all others – even our greatest enemies. For truly
the greatest of those we see as being opposed to us deserve and need more than
us – the blessings of Love. Seek always after Love – resolve the pain that is
in the heart and always look after the way of Peace, of Compassion, of Love –
for this is the secret of the Path – there is NO other.


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