

Much is written of the end of the world.. but, does that concern us?.. you already know that death comes like a thief in the night, but, are you ready for instant death?.. Know that you cannot die.. Know that you are part of Consciousness that we call God.. Know that you are Light and Love.. Reach for the Light when you find yourself in darkness.. The Light is always available.. Turn your self and look for the Light and travel towards it.. you will feel yourself drawn toward It and will enter It within seconds.. Remember, you cannot die.. you only travel towards a different Reality..This Reality is All that Is.. This Reality is called God.. This Reality is You.. Fear Not..Love is beyond Fear.. You are Love and Light.. Fear not the number 2012.. Love conquers all Fear.. You are Love, You are beyond Fear.. Fear is the ego.. Fear is not You...You are not the ego...I will see you in the Light.......namaste, thomas

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