
Ram Tzu knows this...

You are caught
In a web of beliefs.
You spin them from
Your own abdomen
They are made from
The substance of your self.

You believe in
Your own power.

You consider yourself
The Source.
Even though
When under duress
You pay lip service
To an all powerful God.

You believe in
The supremacy of technique.

You are convinced that if
You can but manage...

Your mind
Your money
Your breath
Your energy
Your body
Your faith
Your relationships
Your prayers

You will unlock the door
To peace, happiness and contentment.

Guess again.

1 comment:

thomas ... said...

His remarks sound harsh to the novice, but, to the advanced mystic, His words speak of the ego that hides even within spirituality.. He throws cold water on your face to awaken you to the Knowledge that only the surrender of the ego will Free you.. All of the trappings of religion and spirituality will help you but will not Free you.. You must walk through the door that only "Nothingless" can enter...........namaste, thomas