
Entertain Truth in Consciousness...

"God is truth, but God must be known. 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God ... and all these things shall be added unto you.' You seek; you search; you make this truth a conscious activity of your being; and then it must manifest, because Truth and its manifestation are not two separate things. Truth and its manifestation are one. You cannot have truth in your consciousness without having it express as all the forms necessary to your fulfillment. There is no such thing as God and a man. There is only God appearing as the Word made flesh. There is no such thing as truth and the demonstration. Truth, entertained in consciousness, is demonstration. Truth is the substance of all form. Therefore, know truth, and truth will appear to you as the form necessary to your every experience. But it must be a conscious activity of your consciousness. That is why you cannot sit back passively and say, 'Let God do it.'"

-- from Joel Goldsmith "The Master Speaks"
Chapter 13 - Individual Consciousness

I have pondered the above for days and weeks and have discovered:

Since truth in Consciousness must manifest as the harmony of being, or as Joel states in The Deep Silence of My Peace, "The Peace within becomes the Harmony without." If I do not have harmony appearing without, I have to be unafraid when I ask myself why? Why is harmony not appearing? I really must be brave enough to look for the answer.

If I have been entertaining truth in Consciousness, if I have contemplated these truths, why, why is it not working? So I have a few possible answers. One: Joel is lying. I have explored this and found that those who knew him really did experience healing of mind, body, and pocketbook. So that means he was not lying; truth in Consciousness does and will manifest.

Well then, Two: God doesn't work for me. Believe it or not, I explored this as well. Of course it cannot be the answer because for a principle to be truth it has to always be truth, it cannot be truth part of the time. The principles of mathematics are always true, the principles of music are the same. How much more must spiritual principles always be true. So the principle is: truth in Consciousness does and will manifest; why isn't it working for me?

What about Three: There must be something wrong with me; evidently I just don't have enough understanding, I'm just too stupid, I just have too many "issues", too much from my past, etc etc. Ah, but then I am reminded by reading where Joel states; "Seek God in your sins, and watch as they dissolve." And Jesus saying God is partial to a sinner who turns to Him. Well, that takes away number three. Obviously, it has nothing to do with me. Well then why is the principle not working for me? Truth in Consciousness does and will manifest. Why isn't it manifesting? Where is the harmony?

After I have eliminated Joel as someone to blame, after I have eliminated God as someone to blame, after I have eliminated even myself as someone to blame, I take yet another look. Why isn't it working?

The principle is: truth in Consciousness does and will manifest. Yet, I am still experiencing good and evil on a daily basis, not harmony. There is only one thing left to see, to admit to myself: It hasn't been Truth in my Consciousness I have been entertaining. It has been thoughts about truth, I haven't gone deep enough, I have never ever really yet entertained Truth in Consciousness, because if I had, it would be manifesting.

Ah, finally, a little honesty. Maybe I can find my answer now.

What is the principle? Truth entertained in Consciousness does and will manifest. How do I get this Truth into my Consciousness so that It may manifest? And so with no one left to blame, I go back to the books, the talks, the teachers, and I ask: "Please show me how to do this, what have I missed."

Back back I go. Practicing the Presence. It tells me to remember God throughout my day. Well, I have been doing that for years, and it is not working, there must be more, something else. On to The Art of Meditation, looking, searching, delving deeper. I see where Joel states, he had to learn to become very still inside, with a listening attitude. I see he says he tried this meditation twelve times a day for eight months before he felt anything. And then, he says it was less than a second and two more weeks before he "felt" It again.

I begin to see that Joel uses that word in many places; you must, "feel" truth, you must feel with your heart, your Soul, not think with your mind. Perhaps that is where I missed it. Perhaps I was thinking about truth, I had thoughts of truth and I believed that was entertaining truth in my consciousness - but it was not!

Now, I am on to something new here. I must go beyond any thought of truth in oder to have an experience, a "feel" of Truth. I certainly have entertained thoughts of truth and yet, it does not manifest, so that cannot be it. How to I get this "feel" Joel talks about?

I determine, I make a commitment, I will go back and learn how to meditate. I will practice for eight months, longer if necessary. I will find a way to go beyond words and thoughts. I will practice twelve times a day if need be. I will do anything!

And so, like a brand new student, I put away the books, I put away the talks. I begin again a new form of meditation. I launch out into the Deep. I pray for one thing now; spiritual discernment, the ability to really "feel" this Truth in my Consciousness.

One night as I come to the end of any thought about truth, I relax from any thought about scripture, I am just sitting with no real expectations, I take a deep breath and let it out, feeling tired, but with no idea what I'm doing. I'm just listening for the umpteenth time. Wait! What was THAT? I just felt something. That is, I think I did. It felt like, well, like an inner release. For just a moment there was a feeling of something, I can't describe it really.

And so I don't try to describe it, I do not try to pin in down, put it in a mental box. I don't know really, I just know. And I continue my exploration of meditation with no thought. It happens again one day. I had forgotten that feeling of release, how sweet it is, how Peaceful.

You know, something is also happening in my life out here. Things are changing. I'm not doing anything, but things are changing for the better. I could call it a coincidence, but I wonder, could it be? Is this what he meant by Truth entertained in Consciousness will manifest? Am I seeing it at last. Just this little quiet, "feeling" in my deeper meditations, could this be It?

I begin to see when I read things online how many people are spouting truth with their lips and minds. I don't want to see this, I don't want to be judging anyone, yet, I can see now, I can see. I can "feel" the difference. This new faculty, this spiritual faculty, has opened up to me now, and not only does it serve me in meditation to "feel" Truth in Consciousness, I can also "feel" who has it, and who doesn't. And I learn to be silent. I learn to just practice and practice and let that spiritual discernment lead me, instruct me, show me.

I am changing, I am becoming a state of receptivity. I am watching, listening, witnessing, beholding. I am taught from within now. And yes, I see the principle at work. Truth in Consciousness does and will manifest. This "feel", this inner spiritual discernment, (without thought), this deep Invisible Essence, this Peace which I "feel" when my thought about truth has stopped, this Invisible Something, really is manifesting now as the harmony of my outer life. I see now, I never went deep enough. I never really discovered Truth at the center of Being. I was content all those years to rely on thought.

Finally, I have the answer: Why did it not work? Why was harmony not appearing in spite of all the years of truth study? It was because I never entertained Truth in Consciousness. I entertained thoughts in Consciousness, and thoughts are not Truth.

The principle is absolute, Joel was right: Truth in Consciousness does and will manifest,
but it must be Truth, it must be It, it must be an invisible It, "felt".

If you are not experiencing harmony from truth entertained in consciousness, do not fool yourself any longer; you do not yet have Truth.

With Love,

-- Bill Skiles


Diane said...

Thank you for this posting. Just what I needed to read today!

thomas ... said...

I'm glad that you have been helped by this Wisdom.........namaste, thomas