
Annihilation of self...

The Sheikh (may Allah be well pleased with him, and grant him contentment) said:

When you arrive and get near to Allah (Almighty and Glorious is He) you will
know that this is through His guidance and by His Grace. What is meant by
arriving and becoming near to Allah (Almighty and Glorious is He)? You have to
make your exit from the domain of creation, from your passions, from your will
and from your desires. Then you become conscious and aware of His actions. Now
you follow His actions and abide with His commands without evoking any movement
from your side in your heart, and your heart will only move in response to His
wisdom, decrees and actions. Accordingly, to arrive and be near Allah (Almighty
and Glorious is He) means a state of annihilation to yourself [fana']. Remember
that arriving and becoming near to Allah (Almighty and Glorious is He) is not
like what we ordinarily understand by becoming near to one of His creatures.

"Revelations from the unseen" by The Sheikh Abdulkader Al Jilani

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