

Since the main objective of all humans is the search for Happiness, we have to
ask ourselves," What is Happiness" and how can I achieve It?... Most humans seek
this elusive emotion through Love,, the Love of a wife,children,family, and
friends.. In the innermost being, they realize that Love brings Happiness, but,
does it really?.. Or does the acquiring of material objects bring Happiness?..
such as a house, a new car, new clothing, even the taste of expensive food.. The
Wise humans among us tell us that the lack of desire of these objects actually
bring Happiness.. So, the conclusion that we arrive at is that Love and lack of
Desire bring Happiness.. Could this be True?.. But the Love we seek is also
Desire.. So , the answer is that once we surrender the desires of the ego, and
the desire of happiness through objects and other humans, we then begin to
understand that Love exists without desire when we have become Love.. thus, we
have conquered desire by being Love without a further wishing to become Love..
We have become ourselves.. A self without ego, A self without desire, A self
without self... We have become Free...........namaste, thomas

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