
The Transparency of Things - Rupert Spira ...

The mind is a series of abstract concepts that appear within Consciousness.
Every thought is an object and therefore the objectless
Consciousness in which thoughts appear can never itself appear as
a thought.

All thoughts are objects. Therefore, it is impossible to think of Consciousness.
When we think of anything other than Consciousness (or Truth or
Reality or whatever word is used) we end up with a concept, an idea
of that thing, which is not the thing itself. It is a representation of
that thing in the mind’s code – that is, it is a concept.

However, the thought about Consciousness or Reality is unique
amongst all thoughts. When we try to think of Consciousness, it is
like looking into a black hole. It is not even black. The mind simply
cannot go there. It cannot go to that objectless place because the
mind is itself an object. How could an object fit into a space that has
no dimensions?

So as the mind tries to turn itself towards Consciousness, it dissolves.
It is consumed in what is, from its own point of view, the nothingness
of Consciousness. However, its dissolution is the revelation of
Presence, the revelation of that in which thought dissolves.

So the thought about Consciousness is unique in that it does not
lead to a concept, to a substitute for the thing itself, but rather to the
Reality of Consciousness itself. It leads directly to its referent, not to
a symbol. It leads to the direct experience of Consciousness knowing
itself, knowingly.

Nothing objective is known in this placeless place of Consciousness.
It is a knowing but not a knowing of something. It is pure Knowingness.
The seeking thought, which looks for Consciousness, merges with
Consciousness. It reveals Consciousness.

The seeking thought is like a sugar cube. Looking for Consciousness
is like putting the sugar cube in a cup of tea. The tea dissolves the
sugar cube. Likewise Consciousness dissolves the seeking thought.

A more accurate metaphor would be that of a drop of milk in a jar
of water. The milk is essentially the same substance as the water,
although it is coloured by a slight taint of objectivity. It is white,
not colourless. As we watch the drop of milk, it expands into the
water, losing its form by degrees, until it is utterly merged into the
surrounding water...............Reflections on Mind, Thought and Nondual Awareness

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