
The Mystical "I"...

All discord, all inharmony, and all error are experienced because of a sense of separation from God. But this sense of separation from God is not your fault personally. It is the universal belief that has come down to us from the allegorical experience of Adam and Eve being cast out of the Garden of Eden. Nevertheless, this universal sense of separation from God is responsible for our sins, diseases, death, lack, and limitation. Therefore, immortality and infinity can be returned to us only as we return to the Father's house.

This means to realize that what you are looking at with your eyes is not "I". "I am" invisible; "I am" omnipresence; "I am" omnipotence; "I am" omniscience. You prove this by not taking thought, by being still, and by letting the Omniscience that "I am" reveal to you whatever wisdom, guidance, or direction is necessary at this moment. You prove this by being still in the listening attitude, letting Omnipresence prove Itself to be the only power. You prove this by taking no thought for your life or anything that concerns your life, and letting Omnipresence prove Omnipresence.

This cannot be done intellectually. It can be done only through unknowing, through silence. Silence is your resting place. Silence is your abiding place, your living place. Live and move and have your being in silence, and then the still small voice will utter itself and live your life.

~ Joel S. Goldsmith, The Mystical "I".

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