
" You must Die to be Born again"...

'''These words from Jesus are very important for Self-Realization..'''I think that we all know that death is a lie. but, the
point of "Dying to be Born Again" has nothing to do with the physical
body.. It is a mental exercise in which you completely surrender your
ego and all beliefs in the existence of the body and mind.. You
accept the fact that you do not exist.. You realize that you are
nothingness.. Then something happens, something called Grace,
something called Freedom,something called Light and Love, and then you find yourself back in the body
with the intense feeling that you have just been
Born..........namaste, thomas


Anonymous said...

Yes, sir. Almost all the religions say that the individual consciousness has to subjugate itself to God. Some religions might say that the individual is not there, and others might state that the individual is very much there, but as a complete, selfless servant of God. Whatever it is, they are all in agreement that the individual has to lose his identity as a self-sustaining entity.

Thank you for you daily messages, sir. They are inspirational.

thomas ... said...

I wrote this post from a personal experience that I had many years ago.. I was studying Buddhism and decided that I would Meditate like Gautama, until I found Truth.. I was not progressing in this mental exercise until I offered my own life to know Truth.. I fully meant this sacrifice, although, I was not speaking of any kind of suicide. But, if Truth required that I must lose my life to gain life, then I was prepared for this event..At this moment of Self Surrender, I entered the White Light and found that I was Light within that Light, surrounded and filled with the Energy of Love.. After, a few minutes, I re-entered the body and felt as though I had just been born...........namaste, thomas

Anonymous said...

Here, they say, Vairagya (dispassion) comes before viveka (discrimination). As long as passions cloud our heart and senses, it is difficult to discriminate between good and bad, let alone the real and false.

I am happy that you have found both dispassion and discrimination.

The ways of Grace are mysterious- they come without asking, and deny itself from the waiting. But even if we get but a glimpse of it, it changes our life for good. Irrespective of experiences, surrender has its own reward- as you say, we are born again.

I am moved by your comment, sir.

Thank you.