
Polishing the Mirror...

The high road to God for your spirit, by which your prayer can reach
God, is the polishing of the mirror of the heart. The mirror will not
become purified from the rust of infidelity and hypocrisy by rebellion
and opposition. The mirror is polished by your unwavering faith and
your perfect sincerity. Do not confuse the image with the mirror; they
are not the same. The mirror reflects the image by means of the light,
and the light cannot be separated from the sun, and if the light is not
reflected, the fault lies in the mirror.
Whoever remains veiled is like the owl and the sun. If the owl
cannot see in the sunlight, it is because of the weakness of its eyes,
not because of the sun. He speaks foolishly who does not know that God
is manifest in humanity. If you want the mirror to reflect your face,
you must hold it straight and keep it bright. Whatever increases the
brightness of your heart brings nearer God's manifestation of Himself
to you.

as collected by James Fadiman & Robert Frager

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