
"Who are you, really? A Message From "T"

There are different belief systems attached to the origin of man, most of them irregular while others are just plain inaccurate. Adhering to the policies of others often leaves one pondering aimlessly through a maze of definitions that fall short on an internal soul level. The power of spirit is most often defined outside the self, painting a picture of omnipotent energy that an individual in human form should worship for bits of understanding and favor so that they may come to heaven profoundly. While all of this may give comfort to younger souls, the more evolved ones find themselves at a loss for a real defined moment of accurate information. The real test of humanity begins in the realization that God or the energy of creation is not an outside influence but rather a pulse of energy that resides in every soul, including you. The magic of creation at any level begins in the thought process in everyone of the universe's beings. The key to realization begins slowly. Your thoughts are experience and evolution waiting to occur both linearly and eternally. God does not exist outside of our current form. The energy exists in the hearts of all of you waiting patiently to manifest through your thoughts. Worship is irrelevant. Embracing the energy is more conducive to transcending to a higher place of understanding. So, if your belief system includes a god why not blend completely and be a miracle instead of expecting one?" --T

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