

Like most humans, you are caught in the Trap of Duality.. You
believe that you are the Ego and that God is a being that is above
you and separate from you... But, you must remember what the
Spiritual Master Jesus said;" The Kingdom of God is within you"....
and we are made in the Image and Likeness of God... This Truth of God
within us as Consciousness and the Real non-ego Self of us as
Consciousness means that We and God are One... this statement will of
course shock a soul that believes that they are the body, or that
they and God are separate, but is found to be True when a soul has
had a Mystical Union with God , and finds that the real self that
they are is the frequency of Light within the All Encompassing Light
and Love that is called God..This direct Knowledge of Truth can only
be found by a soul when they have surrendered their ego and their
desire for existence.. when they have truly accomplished this , and
have quieted the body and mind through Meditation, then a Mystical
Experience will occur, where they will be "Born Again" into the
Reality that is God.. During this time of Divine Union, you will
learn many more Truths about the illusion of the material planes and
the fact that All is Spirit and Light.............namaste, thomas

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