
The Christ Power...

Healing is an activity of the ministry of the Christ. "I am come to heal the sick, raise the dead, feed the hungry, forgive the sinner." This "I", this Christ Kingdom, is within you. "I can do all things through the Christ which dwells in me, and the Christ ministry is within me." This means you! The Christ ministry~ the Christ healing ministry, the Christ forgiving ministry, the Christ raising-of-the-dead ministry, the Christ feeding ministry~ is within you. Therefore I give it to you as a principle on which the entire Infinite Way teaching is based. You must turn to the Christ ministry for healing, for salvation, for forgiveness, for food, housing, and transportation, for healing of sin, disease, death. You must turn to the Christ ministry, which is within yourself, for it.

Christ is not a man; Christ is the Spirit of God in you. You need take no thought for your life or for what you shall eat or drink or wherewithal you shall be clothed. You need only to turn within, and when you hear the words, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee," or when you have the feeling of "My peace I give unto thee," your healing has been accomplished, your sins have been forgiven. The still, small Voice in one way or another utters, "Thy sins be forgiven thee." The Word of God, which is uttered through the Child of God within you, says, "Knowest not thou art the temple of the living God, thy body is the temple of the living God."

Reading these words in a book or hearing them spoken may not always be the healing agency. They can be, if they have come forth from the consciousness of one in the Spirit. But remember that nothing can ever take place of your receiving the Word within yourself. It is your permanent contact with the Kingdom of God. From the moment that this contact is made within you, you are no longer under the laws of weather, climate, age, food, or other physical laws~ you are under Grace.

So meditation is not merely closing the eyes and stilling the mind. Meditation is that actual contact in consciousness that enables us to hear the still, small Voice that is within us and enables us to be fed by It. Just think! "The Christ is the bread, the meat, the wine, the water," and the Christ is within you. Therefore, to be spiritually fed, you must be fed from within. We are told that we must live by every Word of God. Now you know to what we must dedicate our lives. You are not dedicating your life to a person or to a book or a set of books. You are dedicating your life to attaining an inner stillness whereby the Word of God may utter Itself to you, in you, and through you to others.
~ Joel S. Goldsmith, Living By Grace~ The Path To Inner Unfoldment.

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