
Principles of The Infinite Way ...

"As human beings, there is not one of us without sin, whether in the act of commission or in the act of desiring. We are transformed in only one way: by coming into the awareness of our true identity, and then learning to be still and knowing that `I am God,' and that because I is God, that I governs Its own universe; It maintains it and It sustains it. In fact, that I is the bread and the meat, and the wine, and the water unto Its creation; and therefore, each one of us has I, each one of us has in the midst of him, closer than breathing, that which the Master says is the mission of the Father within, that which heals, saves, redeems, resurrects, and feeds. That I, each one of us has, and It is the Christ. In the awareness of that I, we become beholders of the Christ in action, and as beholders of the Christ in action, we are able to pierce the veil of illusion, and then instead of seeing the ugly picture that the human mind has drawn, we begin to see reality."

From: The Contemplative Life, Chapter 8, "Contemplation Develops The Beholder," Page 138.

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