

The Cycle or Wheel of Life, Death and Rebirth; the Life Force of the physical body does not die with the physical body, but goes on living in the etheric world for a period of time and is then reborn on earth, repeating this hundreds of times until the Life Force has perfected itself. (1) Esoterically, Reincarnation refers to a Monad (Divine Spark of God) undergoing a perfecting process, or a Spiritual Being becoming Divine, by learning to exist in and understand every dimension of God.

Plato teaches that a Soul is constantly perfecting itself to become an initiate into the diviner Wisdom. (5) This process involves a Monad projecting itself through all dimensions in order to learn all about them. The Souls it projects in turn project into the physical dimension by manifesting in the form of Human Beings. It takes many projections or incarnations to learn how to exist in and to understand the dynamics of the physical world, mainly because the physical world is so distracting and the Human Being is so easily distracted!

He who lacketh discrimination, whose mind is unsteady, and whose heart is impure, never reacheth the goal, but is born again and again. But he who hath discrimination, whose mind is steady and whose heart is pure, reacheth the goal and, having reached it, is born no more. --Katha Upanishad

Pythagoras, 2500 years ago,

taught the doctrine of eternal life-- not that we have a Soul but that we are a Soul occupying a body. He taught that this immortal Soul is our very being, and we, for a brief time, inhabit a body, but that body is not us; it is a temporary abode-- a vehicle to be used during our incarnation on our way toward liberation from rebirth. (5)

In order for a Soul to develop to its fullest potential, it must learn to move through all dimensions of space and time by adjusting its vibrational frequency. The greatest challenge occurs when it manifests form in the physical dimension as a Human Being. Challenge, because during the process of joining its physical form at the moment of its birth, the fragment of consciousness sent by the Soul into each physical incarnation loses awareness of its spiritual heritage. For its first many lifetimes, the "young" Soul has to figure out how to exist in a lower vibrational dimension--in a restrictive environment encased in skin; and, for many more, it has to acquire increasingly complex survival skills in a changing environment, plus figure out how to get along with crazy relatives, noisy neighbors, politics, high unemployment, crime and higher taxes before it can even start to question why it is on earth to begin with. Besides that, in all these many lifetimes (hundreds, maybe thousands), a lot of negative KARMA is accumulated because the memories of our past lives and spiritual sojourns between them are buried deep in our Subconscious Minds. However, if we knew coming in why we were here and what we were supposed to do, we wouldn't learn anything. It is during your death experience that the memory of the last time you died, that you experienced this before, comes back to you.

The journey to God is merely the reawakening of the knowledge of where you are always, and what you are forever. It is a journey without distance to a goal that has never changed. --Course in Miracles:53

Books such as the Bible, the Mahabharata, the Torah and the Qur'an, chronicle the origins of Human Being's struggle to rise above the lower CHAKRA energy and become Enlightened. They are chronologies of the evolution of human understanding about who we are, why we are here, how we got here and how we are supposed to survive, what life is all about, does life go on after death and is there a meaning behind it all? Human understanding has evolved from primitive cultural superstition through quantum physics. Human consciousness has expanded to awareness of "other" dimensions. Life has been our school.

But when we think the physical world is all there is, we easily get caught up in it and become attached to it and lose sight of the purpose of our human life— to experience it and learn from it, and rise above it.

Consciousness goes on after the brain dies because mind only uses brain to explore and experience the physical dimension. Destruction of the brain does not end its program. Death releases mind from the limitations of the brain and body to soar beyond the galaxies and to continue to exist in different forms in different dimensions of God, as Divine Beings. Any single physical incarnation, such as the one you and I are personally experiencing, is but a brief moment in our eternal lives as spiritual children of the One Universal God. Socrates taught that

those souls which have freed themselves from reincarnation, who have no further commerce with the body and now enjoy unbounded freedom, these now become genii or spirit teachers, who, as Hesiod says, care for the weal (health) of humanity. (5)

What this means to you and me is that each of us, in this lifetime, has the opportunity to substantially help our Soul's progress. By focusing your attention on God or a SAVIOR or a Master Teacher, whatever you believe that to be, during your life, you will gradually expand your consciousness to experience existence in more "heavenly," less dense dimensions. The lower your thoughts sink, the lower the dimensions you will experience.

If you wonder why you have this or that problem, look to what your thoughts dwell on consistently. You will attract the forces that vibrate at the same frequency as your thoughts. Once you come to truly know that you are a highly developed spiritual being, wearing a temporary coat of skin in which to experience and learn about the physical dimension, you open the connection to that higher part of your Whole Self and will receive divine guidance in your daily life. This awareness can lead to Liberation from the Cycle of Death and Rebirth in this lifetime and free your Soul to soar to spiritual heights.

Apollonius (a contemporary of Jesus) wrote to a friend upon the death of his son,

There is no death of anyone but only in appearance, even as there is no birth of any save in seeming. The change from being to becoming seems to be birth and the change from becoming to being seems to be death. But in reality no one is ever born nor does one ever die. It is simply a being visible and then invisible--the former through the density of matter, and the latter because of the subtlety of being--being which is ever the same, its only change being motion and rest. (5)

When you go into the death experience with this knowledge, instead of waiting until you get to the other side for that realization to dawn, you may not need to reincarnate again in physical form— unless you want to, briefly, to help humanity (as do many avatars and saviors). Reincarnation is the result of accumulating negative Karma (including not seeing the Light), which keeps your essence from being able to vibrate at higher frequencies in order to exist for any length of time on higher dimensions. You may achieve a certain level of spiritual enlightenment in a lifetime, but still harbor selfish or negative thoughts, which will allow you some amount of time in the spiritual realms, but inspire a need to reincarnate to learn how to overcome these deep-seated, lower-level thoughts and emotions.

It is suggested that at the present level of consciousness of the lifewave on the planet, knowledge about our spiritual existence and purpose for being human will propel many Souls to graduate from the school of earth at the end of this lifetime and many more to "get it" in their next incarnation. The human lifewave will eventually dissolve "hell" by turning toward the Light and "evil" on earth will dissipate. It is the Coming of Christ/Buddha/Muhammad/etc. Spirit/Consciousness to Humanity.....from

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