
Momentum of Ignorance...

There is a great momentum of suffering and confusion that every
spiritual seeker encounters. It is the momentum of ignorance which
manifests as the experience of conflict and confusion and which causes
suffering. In order to discover the perspective of liberation, which
alone transcends this entire movement of ignorance and suffering, one
needs to let everything end. "Letting everything end" means to stand
in the moment completely naked of attachment to any and all ideas,
concepts, hopes, preferences, and experiences. Simply put, it means to
stop strategizing, controlling, manipulating, and running away from
yourself--and to simply be. Finally you must let everything end and be

In letting everything end, all seeking and striving stops. All effort
to be someone or to find some extraordinary state of being ceases.
This ceasing is essential. It is true spiritual maturity. By ceasing
to follow the mind's tendency to always want more, different, or
better, one encounters the opportunity to be still. In being still, a
perspective is revealed which is free from all ignorance and bondage
to suffering. From that perspective, eternal Self is realized. The
eternal Self, the Seer, is recognized to be one's true nature, one's
very own Self.

This is an invitation to let all seeking end, all striving end, all
efforting end, all past identity end, all hopes end, and to discover
That which has no beginning or end. This is an invitation to discover
the eternal, unborn, undying Truth of being. The Truth of your being,
your own Self. Let the entire movement of becoming end, and discover
That which has always been present at the core of your being.

- Adyashanti

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