
life without a center ...

The self arises. Let it be. It is an illusion, after all, a construction of thought. You are prior to that construction, you are the awareness in which the construction arises. You are the awareness in which "you" arises. This is not clever wordplay but the actuality of things--look for yourself right now. Meditate on it. Come back to the present experience (this is true meditation). Is there anything solid there called self? Is there any clear distinction between you and not you? Where is the boundary? Are "you" contained in the skin surrounding the body? Is that what you experience yourself as?

Come back to the present experience! Without reference to the past, can you know who you are? Can you say who you are, really?


The primary delusion of human consciousness: "I am a person, in the world."

I am not in the world. Rather the world is in me. But to say, "The world is in me" implies that there may be things, events, places outside of me. No, all things are inside me. There is nothing, no thing outside. And so no inside either because outside can only be known in reference to inside.

And so there is no me (because I have no inside and no outside), and no things. Only this. There was never any separation in the first place. There was never any "me" separate from all things. That was an illusion.

life without a center
jeff foster
nonduality press 2007

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