
God and Us ...

Our Creator loves us, His creatures, like a caring Father-Mother, and seeks to give us as much good as possible. Even if what He does feels painful sometimes — it is but His educational measure: by means of pain He teaches us what we should not be. This is — for our own good. And it is in our interests — to be sensitive to such instructions of His.

The purpose of our lives consists in qualitative and quantitative development of ourselves as consciousnesses (souls). After reaching God-like degree of development by these two criteria in the end of this long process we merge into the Creator and thus enrich Him with ourselves. This constitutes His growth. And this accounts for His direct concern in our advancement in the direction that He prefers; He points out to us any deviations from this correct path by means of pain and various trouble. But if He is satisfied with our advancement, He gives us a tremendous amount of happiness and bliss — and then there remains no doubt as to the power of His most sincere Love.

Sometimes one may hear an opinion that existence of innumerable sufferings on the earth proves that God does not exist. This way of thinking is pertinent to extremely egotistic people who consider everyone, including God, to be their servants. But the Truth is opposite to this: it is us who must put ourselves to His service.

How can we serve God, then?

In order to answer this question we should first find out what He is interested in, why He created planets, stars, plants, animals, and people.

The answer cannot be found in the distorted and degraded religious concepts, which lack the evolutionary approach to the explanation of these problems, while declaring man a paltry and hopelessly sinful creature, doomed to beg the dreadful Universal Lord for forgiveness of his actual and imaginary transgressions.

But no: if we are able to break free from the darkness of religious ignorance, we can dramatically transform our miserable existence full of resentment, diseases, hate, grief and sorrow — into a vigorous life abounding with joy, creative service to other people and God, and cooperation with Him — Who is visible, audible, and loving, always there to hear us out and give us advice.

But such relationships with Him are possible only if we make real efforts on transforming ourselves in accordance with His plan and if we offer ourselves to Him as assistants, co-workers, and servants.................from God Speaks...

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